Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Tribute To Mom

It's been 14 years ago today that I lost my mom in a struggle with cancer, but through it all I saw her strength, love and how even til the end she cared for others above herself. I was blessed to be with my mom in her final moments and the look of peace that came over her face after her last breath has been the greatest source of comfort to me through the years. I know beyond any doubt she was finally pain free and in a better place, still watching over her family.
Like anyone I have wonderful and not so wonderful memories, afterall, she was my mother. Friend at times, foe during my rebellious days. My father was in upper management at IBM and in politics. Mom stayed home with my brother and me, putting her college career on hold until we started school. I watched her get her bachelor's and master's degrees while always finding time for us and embarking on her teaching career. She didn't have to work, she LOVED teaching with a passion and I thank God daily I had her as an example as I near the end of an almost 30 year teaching career. I can attribute much of my love for teaching to her! My mother loved people, regardless of anything. She was forgiving, kind and gave more of herself to others than most people combined. She was our family rock and instilled in me the importance of forgiveness and caring for family. Her legacy lives on and I am grateful she was an amazing role model in that respect.
Living the lifestyle we did, I remember mom deciding "charm school" would be something I might need in my life. I was less than enthusiastic at the prospect and it ended up being a not as happy ending version of the princess diaries! I'll never forget the grace and charm I showed on the stage for our fashion show, focusing on our walking skills and I fell off the stage. Mom loved her clumsy gal anyways! I also was a budding pianist, yet totally froze up and quit right on stage at my recital. Mom loved me anyway! Then there's the sewing lessons and brand new machine she bought me. I didn't want to sew and was happy as hell when someone stole my machine in college. She loved me anyway! I can't forget my wedding in college. Hundreds of people, 10 attendants, the expensive dress I HAD to have and all the fairytale glitz and glamour, paid for with her teaching money. Even after the marriage failed four years later, my mom still loved me. Through the tats, piercings, pregnancies and abusive relationship where I shut her out of my life from embarassment, she persisted and was there for me. What a remarkable human being she was. I was blessed to be able to teach with my mother the last four years of her life and I will always be grateful for that. I love you, mom!

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