Friday, August 26, 2011

Yello is not Yellow-Week 2

One of the most entertaining things at the start of kindergarten is the language development. This year I have 5 children with speech/language IEP's and a possible 2 more soon, but even 4 and 5 year old children without IEP's have a language of their own! It's entirely too much fun to begin deciphering each child's way of saying things. Despite the fact I've become quite adept at this skill, twice this week I struggled. One little boy kept asking me if he could put his paper in his tummy. I realize they get hungry during the day, but for the life of me couldn't figure out why he wanted to eat his paper! After numerous tries I realized he wanted to put his paper in his cubby, not tummy. The second incident occurred during our first attempt at a project that included cutting and gluing. This is always a traumatic event for all involved including my aide and myself. Most have never held scissors, let alone cut and the old glue saying, "a little dot makes a lot" is useless until they understand the concept of a little. After an hour of tears, retries and glue all over the place we took a collective sigh of relief and smiled about the creations, soon forgetting that at first this appeared to be a "scarred for life experience!" During this time a young lady kept insisting she needed giggers. It wasn't until she made a cutting motion we realized she meant scissors, whew!
This was also color week so each day we repped a color. Our first was yellow day and I'd found this song about yellow to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It..." As I was attempting to teach them, one sharp 5 year old boy politely raised his hand and said, "Ms. Owens, yellow is spelled y e l l o w. See? This paper says so." Apparently in my feeble attempt to fit the words into the tune I was spelling yellow y e l l o.
I love my job!

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