Friday, August 12, 2011

PE and Poo-Week One

Week one began with a roomful of overly eager 4 & 5 year olds and extremely emotional parents. Quite understandable since their "babies" are finally entering kindergarten. After many tissues and reassuring words that we would love and protect their little ones, my aide and I were left alone to begin our new school year.
It wasn't long before my phone rang and a concerned mom was on the other end. Apparently her little girl had swallowed a plastic game piece the prior night and she was concerned it might come out in her (quote) poo and I might want to keep watch. Yes, my first day I had poo duty, no pun intended! I was grateful she didn't have any issues at school and no restroom problems!
Day two came with the anticipation of our first PE class. That's always a favorite of the kids, but this year we have "fresh meat," a brand new PE teacher just out of college. He'd done his student teaching with older children, and was clueless as to how little ones operate. Needless to say the first part of class was utter chaos and poor Mr. New Teacher was terrorized by a band of over stimulated kids who saw all and heard nothing! Balls flying, kids flying, and an sos call to my aide and the music teacher for help. Yes, he got broken in nicely, but we had to have a major post conversation about appropriate behavior in gym class from now on.
One of my highlights of the week came from this tiny, curly headed blonde girl that I've been loving on for two prior years. We have a half day early start program for 3&4 year old children. Three year olds can enter the program if they have language/developmental delays. When this little one started two years ago, she immediately caught my eye. Something about her reminded me of my middle granddaughter and she was very needy. My heart just melted and for the past two years I've been loving on her and stealing hugs. When we were doing class lists I was adamant she would be in my class. Is she bright, well behaved and the ideal student? No, but she stole my heart years ago and we will have an awesome year of academic growth! Today she came up to me, hugged me and asked, "Will you be my pretend mommy at school?" *Tears* My year was just made.

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