Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wanna See My Woody?

I've been working on a more serious blog topic this week, but have instead found my mind wandering. Tonight a commercial came on that reminded me of a funny kid story.

Several years ago I taught 5th grade, collaborating with our special needs teacher and students for the majority of the day. We had one young man that was severely delayed academically and socially, but was a joy to all he encountered. This particular morning he came to my desk and proceeded to ask me, "Wanna see my woody?" Positive I had misunderstood, I politely asked him to repeat the question only to get the same result. Admit it, your mind is no better than mine and holding back immature chuckles, I decided to ask him where it was since he hadn't brought anything with him. He promptly replied, "In my pocket." At this point his aide decided to leave me alone with this as he walked to the other side of the classroom suppressing laughter. Knowing that Anthony's question was innocent and he was incapable of lewd acts, I told him I'd love to see his woody, at which point he pulls out of his pocket a miniature figure of Woody from the Toy Story movie. I'm certainly glad my hunch was correct, but the story has given us many laughs over the years.

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