Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tears For J

I was extremely disheartened to learn of the violent murder of two former students' father; gunned down in his own driveway where his children live. I could focus on the fact that their dad was a long time career criminal, violent history and capable of abuse, but what's the point? He's gone.

Instead my mind, heart and tears are for his two sons I had the privilege of working with as they attended school. The oldest, unfortunately has chosen a path similar to his father's and I pray that something will enlighten him that the chances of him becoming just another "statistic" are inevitable unless he begins to make wiser choices. Little J is still at my school and my hope for him is that he didn't lose all of his innocence last night as horrible events transpired in front of his big brown eyes. I'm remembering my last hug with him on June 3rd, my final words to him, "have a nice summer, J." Those words haunt me now, my tears flowing as I wonder how many more children are experiencing something other than a "nice" summer. I can't single handedly save the world, but I can assure that Little J will have a little extra attention, help and someone to watch over him the seven hours he's in our care. We already have a positive student/teacher relationship and I intend to make sure he knows everyday someone cares.

I don't profess to have all the answers, but I do realize the importance of positive relationships with children, our future, and regardless of how they look, behave or react they are worthy of our investment. Even if it's something as simple as a kind word, hug, smile or an ear to listen.

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