Monday, June 2, 2008


Be honest, you ALL have played a prank or two in your lifetime. Some went well, others were busts, but through it all there's one that stands out and makes ya proud you were clever enough to pull off a hilarious stunt without a hitch! The one that totally was worth it all happened my second year of teaching. We had a kindergarten teacher that decided her time had come to retire and enjoy the 'good' life. The social committee at school made the gross error of putting some of us young 'newbies' in charge of planning her last hurrah! It just so happened that one of our local clubs had Friday night 'male revue' strip shows going on and we decided what better way to celebrate than to take this old woman to get her groove on. At first she was resistant, saying that if she saw someone she knew, she'd croak. We assured her we all knew CPR and would reserve seats away from the stage as to not be in the spotlight. Being the wonderfully nice lady I am, I decided we needed to make sure it was a night she'd never forget! It just so happened one of the strippers had gone to high school with me and with a little persuasion he was convinced to get in on our little joke. The night was going very well and Ms F was enjoying sitting in the corner watching the eye candy. After about an hour, the 'friend' came to the table we were at, hopped right on and began his ummmmm, show... All of a sudden he leaned down right in Ms. F's face and said OMG, Ms F, you were my teacher, don't you remember me? Imagine seeing you here....I thought she would crawl right under the table...MORAL: Drinks-$125, Paying the stripper to help us-$50, the look on her face PRICELESS!!!!....

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