Monday, June 2, 2008


Ahhhhhhhhh, the infamous 'O' Well, this is my 'Story of O.' A few years ago I was teaching a lively, to say the least, group of behaviorally and emotionally disordered 4th graders. They were so needy that I had two full time aides to work with me and on this particular day we had the ecology lady in to speak with the children about certain topics. The lesson was going so well that the aides and myself were sitting back relaxing with a nice cup of coffee and bantering amongst ourselves. Miss Ecology was nearing the end of her lesson and began what we call the review stage. The children had been listening well and were impressing me with their retention of the knowledge she had immersed them with. One question she asked was....."what's the smallest living unit ?" I watched, amazed, as one of my extremely introverted young men jumped up out of his seat and screamed at the top of his lungs with pride...."ORGASMS!!!!" ( ahhhhh, close enough to Needless to say, coffee spewing, I had to leave my room for a few to regain what little composure I had left.

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