Tuesday, June 3, 2008

HO, HOE, HO?!?!

This is one of my dad's favorite kid stories. It was my second year teaching and I was being observed for my evaluation. I had a small group of first graders over to the table for reading and the particular skill we were working on was the 'H' sound. I was to say the name of each picture and if it began with the 'H' sound they were to circle the picture. We were rolling along when I came to a picture of a garden hoe. I named the picture and one little boy pipes up and says, " Ms. O, my daddy has a ho and she's got blond hair just like you." ( yes, I used to be blond) My mouth flew open and I glanced at my principal who was now hidden behind her clipboard, shoulders shaking, so I knew she was laughing. I regained my composure and quickly prompted the child to look at the picture explaining that I was talking about a tool to dig in the garden with. Thinking I had smoothed over the situation, I began to move on when he muttered under his breath, " He doesn't dig in the garden with her."

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